Principal: Mr. John Hannon
Ballygown, Castletownroche,
Co. Cork P51 FK18
Phone: 022 26 611
Email: ballygownschool2@gmail.com
Ballygown, Castletownroche,
Co. Cork P51 FK18
Phone: 022 26 611
Email: ballygownschool2@gmail.com
Founded in 1959, Ballygown National School is a rural, co-educational, five-teacher school, situated on the north side of the parish, near Skenakilla Cross. We are an active and inclusive school and we aim to nurture the spiritual, moral, intellectual, emotional, social, cultural and physical growth of all our pupils. We foster a spirit of partnership between pupils, parents, staff, Board of Management and the local community. School Motto: Ní neart go chur le chéile.