Killavullen Parish Pilgrimage: A summer pilgrimage by coach will take place to Glenstal Abbey on August 15. The bus will depart Killavullen Church at 8.45am and Annakisha at 9.00am. The day will include Tea/Coffee and scone on arrival at 10.30am. A monk of the Benedictine Community will then lead a tour of the Abbey. At 12.10pm we will celebrate Mass with the monastic community for the Feast of the Assumption in the newly renovated Church of St. Columba. Lunch will be provided at the monastery. Afterwards there will be free time to explore the abbey grounds with is great variety of trees and 17thCentury terraced walled garden. Depart Glenstal at 4.00pm. Cost: Adults: €45; Children: €25. (Without bus: €40 / €20). Places should be reserved before July 15 by paying a deposit of €10 at the Sacristy of either Church or at the Parish Office, Ballygriffin. www.glenstal.org