A Parish Website: www.killavullenparish.ie has just been launched.
It is intended to be a new point of contact with parishioners, at home and abroad, and a another way of sharing our Christian mission of faith, worship, service. Please save the site to your desktop and visit it regularly! The website, still a work in progress, features notes on local religious history and a photo gallery. It has the current and back issues of this weekly newsletter as well as an events diary, with a clickable calendar. The website has a link button to the Mass readings of the day and of the upcoming Sunday – a useful tool for Ministers of the Word. The website will also link parishioners to news from the Catholic Church at home and abroad. Updated each Thursday, is Faithcast, a weekly podcast of news and interviews for the Church in Ireland presented by Brenda Drumm; and iCatholic (Irish Catholic), the Irish church’s YouTube-style channel.